Our Web Development Cohort saw 17 budding software engineers, embark on a journey of transformation. Guided under the wise counsel of Troy Wilson, our instructor deployed from Digital Crafts, whom is ranked one of the best-reviewed coding bootcamps in the World for breaking into the software field as reported by Course Report. Over the last 4 months we learned the following languages. JavaScript, React, SQL, HTML, CSS, CLI, Git, and many more skills and technologies needed to build a professional portfolio, which would then serve as the platform to showcase our work.
In a span of 4 months , all of the engineers learned the basics to building software, utilizing the "T" approach. It would be unrealistic to expext any one to be a expert programmer after 4 months. However, four months in a immersive environment is plenty of time to build a strong horizontal foundation, the cross member in our "T". Understanding the high level concepts of a build, along with a high level understanding of the tools of our craft and how to wield them.
We have learned how to talk "computer talk", giving us the ability to use various programming technologies, to turn human instructions into language a computer can understand. During the agile process we learned how to plan, design, build, and test software applications.
When called upon, we have the ability to code something from scratch on our own, or collaborate with a team of other software engineers to improve/debug existing code.
Like any role, the specifics of being a software engineer will differ depending on each company's software engineering requirements, regardless of the scope of the company or the job we are ready to step into our roles, deep dive into learning how to be efficient at our role the vertical member of our "T".
There are alot of programming languages to consider when first learning to engineer applications. Over the past four months we have taken in programing languages that have allowed for the fabrication of several projects that showcase the foundations of our full stack career
It has been said, "Failure to plan, is a plan to fail!!! Where do you want to work? What is your vision for your career? Software developers work in a variety of industries, including software publishers, finance companies, insurance carriers, and computer systems design organizations. From Day one, all 17 of us plotted our individual courses of action, that would allow us to not only finish the bootcamp, but finish the bootcamp, and be ready to step into any team, any orginization with the confidence and skills to contribute from day one.
More than 65 percent of developers surveyed in the Stack Overflow 2021 Developers Survey hold a bachelor’s degree or higher. While you don’t always need a degree to find a job in software engineering, we understand as budding engineers, continuing education is a must to continue to build the technical skills that open more doors of opportunity.
No Matter the path chosen, whether formal education or the boot camp path, time must be devoted to working with programming languages and trying our hand at development. It's the key to gaining a thorough understanding of the development process, which will aid in becoming a more productive, efficient, and accurate professional. We have built solid foundations to do just that!
Beyond programming languages, it's critcal to have experience working with other tools that software developers commonly use. Over the past four months we have also added these tools to our tool belts:
We have learned that life as a software engineer does not exist inside of a vacuum! While working on projects we understand there will be times we will have to explain how things work and answer questions clients and supervisors may have. In addition to excellent communication skills, developers should be creative, detail-oriented, and have stellar problem-solving skills. All these soft skill muscles have begun to be built up as well!
We came, We learned what needed to be learned in order for us to take the next step! Our portfolios have been crafted, showcasing our skills, both individually, as well as on teams, as we learned the agile process. Our resumes have been polished, hightlighting our newly accuired programing skills, as well as the skills that we bring from all of our former experiences. A truly diverse cohort ready to APPLY WITH CONFIDENCE!!! We look forward to meeting all that will be attending our May 11th Mixer. WE ARE READY!!!
City of Refuge partners with Carolina Cybersecurity to provide a once in a lifetime opportunity to start a career in the field. In this class, students receive instruction and lab assignments focused on introductory concepts in cybersecurity. This course introduces the concepts and understanding of the field of computer security and how it relates to other areas of information technology. Topics include security threats, hardening systems, securing networks, organizational security policies. All curriculum is created in collaboration with employers and industry partners, ensuring students receive the most relevant training to meet ongoing employers needs. Students also receive weekly job readiness training that will consist of resume building, soft skills, and personal development.